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The Division 2 materials guide: how to farm Printer Filament, standard, and rare materials

If finding heaps of loot out in the dilapidated streets of a post-epidemic D.C. just isn’t enough for you, then you can craft your own - but that’s going to need materials. Some of these materials are harder to track down than others, and you’ll need a fair amount to craft a lot of stuff. Here’s how to get Printer Filament in The Division 2, as well as farm standard and specialized materials.

Genuinely, your best way to gather as many standard and specialized materials as possible is just to loot every chest, box, and cache that you see scattered around the areas you visit as you complete missions. This should leave you with a decent stockpile to craft the odd item and donate to Projects. However there are a few things that you can do to get extras.

The Division 2 Printer Filament

Interestingly, superior materials like Printer Filament don’t seem to be available from looting in the open world, at least not directly.

To get Printer Filament, you need to deconstruct Gear Mods and Skill Mods in your inventory. All rarity levels of mods give you a Printer Filament, and you can get them from both Gear System Mods, Gear Protocol Mods, and all of the Skill Attachments.

To find mods, go to the gear icon in your inventory.

This means your best method of collecting Printer Filament is to loot chests for the random chance of finding mods, and then deconstructing them for the material.

How to farm materials in The Division 2

Carbonfiber, Electronics, Titanium

As we mentioned before, the best way to get specialized level materials is simple: loot everything. However, there is a method that makes this a little easier.

First, head to the Quartermaster and collect the Detection 1 perk. This lets you see all of the lootable objects in an area around a Control Point when you donate supplies to it.

Now, pick a friendly Control Point and fast travel there. Once you’ve arrived, donate some resources to the Officer, and you’ll be able to scoot around the area and collect a ton of materials.

This works particularly well with the Ellipse Fuel Depot and Solar Farm Control Points.

The video below from WiLLiSGaming demonstrates a run of the method using the Solar Farm:

Ceramics, Polycarbonate, Steel

One way to boost the amount of Standard materials - like Ceramics, Polycarbonate, and Steel - that you find is to acquire the Deconstruction perk from the Quartermaster.

This gives you the chance to acquire additional materials when you’re deconstructing items, which, if you hadn’t noticed, you do a heck of a lot of throughout the game.

Completing activities throughout the open world also tends to reward you with a decent amount of standard materials. These include liberating control points, stopping public executions, and rescuing civilians. You can often get 3-4 of a particular resource for doing these.

Dark Zone - PvP

When farming for crafting materials in the Dark Zone, you'll want to turn your attention to Landmarks. These are your objective points in The Division 2's Dark Zone.

Acquiring the items needed is as simple as defeating a large quantity of enemies, bosses, and clearing the Landmark. Once cleared, you'll be rewarded with materials.

You may not always get the material you're needing, but by simply playing the Dark Zone, you'll earn crafting items. There's also a chance downed enemies will drop crafting items, so don't forget to loot the body.

That said, the most lucrative way to acquire crafting materials in The Division 2 is through open world PvE.

For more on The Division 2, take a look at our guide to the best perks for the early game, as well as which Specialization you should pick at level 30.

If you’re struggling to hit the max level, check out our fast levelling guide.

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