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Désilets: Assassin's Creed won't go down WWII route anytime soon


Fancy taking on some Nazis any time soon in Assassin's Creed? You're going to be waiting a while.

Speaking with MTV Multiplayer before his departure from Ubisoft Montreal earlier this month, former creative director on the series Patrice Désilets said there's no reason to visit the War's timeline. For now, at least.

"I don't see why we would do a World War II setting," said Désilets. "We could do it, it would be fine. Like, let's go assassinate Hitler. But really?

"I know everyone's asking for a Japanese Assassin's Creed, but I've been talking to some Japanese people and they're like, 'Don't do it. We do our own historical thing.'"

He went on: "But I ask myself, how many games can we make in World War II? That's maybe the only [setting] I'd say is not interesting to me."

Désilets also promised that the series's latest title, Brotherhood, will receive another jaw-dropping ending.

Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood releases on November 19 in the UK for PS3, 360 and PC.

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