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Crash Bandicoot IP hasn't been sold to Sony, Activision exploring series future

Crash Bandicoot was rumoured to have been sold back to Sony, following the apparent closure of the series' official homepage, and all traces of the franchise erased from Activision's publisher site. The company has now confirmed that this is not the case.

We reported on the vanishing of Crash Bandicoot mentions last week. Hit the link to find out what happened.

In a statement to GameInformer,, an Activision rep wrote, "Activision owns Crash Bandicoot and we continue to explore ways in which we could bring the beloved series back to life."

It does make you wonder why all evidence of Crash's existence was erased from Activision sites. What do you think? Could some news be on the way regarding his future? Let us know below.

Via CVG.

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