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Confirmed - Gran Turismo 5 appearing at GamesCom


This'll make some people happy.

Kotaku's Brian Crecente just put live a YouTube video of him walking about the GC show floor. Now, fast forward to 1:30 in the video. What do you see? You'll see a shitload of Gran Turismo 5 demo pods there for journos to play the game this week in Cologne.

This adds more wood to the fire that not only the game will appear at Sony's press conference in a little over 3 hours from now, but the game will actually release this year. Catch the video after the jump.

It comes as GameZine pointed out an article by Japanese magazine Express, where the mag confirmed the game will be playable at GC and also at the Tokyo Game Show.

More through the link.

Find out more details on the Sony presser here.

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