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Cities: Skylines is being adapted into a co-op board game launching this October

Last year, Paradox announced it would adapt four of its strategy titles into board games. Crusader Kings got the tabletop treatment first, and now the popular metropolis-builder Cities: Skylines is up next.

The Cities: Skylines board game is a co-op game for 1-4 players that has groups work together to develop a city. (I can already hear players arguing over what to name their cities...) Each player contributes to a single city treasury, and the group makes decisions about what buildings to develop and where. The game includes tiles that represent residential, commercial, industrial, and other buildings, and there are different and, from the sounds of it, conflicting perks to constructing buildings in certain places. Your group will need to be money-wise, too. If you run out of money, you'll go bankrupt and lose.

cities skylines board game tabletop

Rustan Hakansson (Nations, Dungeon Rush) is designing the title.

The MSRP is set at $49.95. Cities: Skylines – The Board Game launches this October. While you wait, you can now play the video game on Switch.

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