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Can you kill two players in The Division with the one sniper shot? This video aims to find out

The Division gets the Mythbusters treatment in new video series.

A new video from renowned YouTube videogame mythbusters DefendTheHouse is looking to answer some of your most pressing questions about The Division. And put those squad-destroying debates to bed in the process.

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The first in what looks to be a series of mythbusting videos devoted to The Division, this episode tackles popular questions such as 'Can you kill enemies by leading them into contaminated zones?' and 'Can you revive the same downed player twice?'.

As for whether you really can kill two players with the one sniper shot? We wouldn't dare spoil it, so you'll have to watch the video to find out. Though whether this mythbusting will really put an end to those elaborate gaming stories we all love so much, I'm not so sure.

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