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Camelot Unchained takes on new staff, promises more frequent updates

Camelot Unchained developer City State Entertainment has made three hires, and pledged to keep fans and backers in the loop with regular production roadmaps.

Writing in a Kickstarter update, founder Mark Jacobs said that City State Entertainment is aiming for one or two week production cycles at the moment, stretching to one month when progress is a little further on.

Beginning this week, the team plans to release a roadmap showing what it's working on for the coming cycle, sort of like Sony Online Entertainment did for Planetside 2.

This week's goals include a first pass for a new race, networking code, a new server loop and patching system, among other goals.

Jacobs said the roadmaps will become "fancier" when the team has a full time producer on board at the beginning of Auguist; that's alwo when the new gameplay engineer and community manager take up their duties. These three new staffers will be introduced at a later date.

As well as this business update, City State Entertainment released a new batch of concept art showing hamadryads; hit the link above to check them out and read a few accompanying notes.

We're excited about Camelot Unchained for a number of reasons, not the least of which is its pedigree; Jacobs was behind Dark Age of Camelot and Warhammer: Age of Reckoning, and has a lot of really interesting ideas about what makes a good MMO.

Camelot Unchained is only the MMO's working title; the real name will be revealed closer to its December 2015 release.

Thanks, Massively.

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