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Camelot Unchained Q&A unearths details on stretch goals, add-ons & more

Camelot Unchained developer City State Entertainment has posted a Q&A update for its Kickstarter-funded realm v realm successor to Dark Age of Camelot. In it, the game's creators talk stretch goals, physical copies and the ability for users to create custom add-ons.

It follows my big and in-depthCamelot Unchained interview with Jacobs, during which we discussed how he survived the "freemium apocalypse," the intricacies of his new game and much more. If you're a 'Dark Age' fan you'd do well to give it a glance.

Now, a new Camelot Unchained Q&A has addressed several fan questions, and confirmed that the game will see a physical release, but that City State will avoid bricks and mortar stores due to attached costs. Collectors will be able to get their paws on boxed copies in due time.

The game uses Havok physics and when asked if Unchained would employ other middleware, the team replied that over the next two years of development, anything is possible. Just to give you an idea of the time-frame here folks.

Interestingly, Jacobs said in my previous interview that he's not a fan of quashing communities, so it's nice to see him follow through with the announcement that community-created add-ons will be allowed and encouraged.

The Q&A reads, "Yes, we are interested in letting our community create add-ons and custom UIs etc. As long as we don’t feel that these will at all compromise security or enable cheats/hacks of any kind, we will indeed allow players to get creative. We also hope to work with add-on providers in a very significant way."

On how Kickstarter's stretch goal money will be used, City State replied, "At first, additional funds will go toward existing unmet stretch goals (The Depths!). After that, we will add other super awesome gameplay-related stretch goals that will add a lot to our game. In addition, we will add team members (by dumping water on the existing ones of course), and likely incorporate ideas that we would otherwise not be able to include with current resources."

Are you keen on Camelot Unchained? Let us know below.

Via Massively.

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