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Camelot Unchained Kickstarter succeeds with 19 hours left

With around 19 hours to go, Camelot Unchained has garnered $2,023,932 towards its $2 million goal, making it a success.

This is despite yesterday's Amazon Payments’ server farm - which Kickstarter relies on - issue which caused the payment system to go haywire. It lost the project around fours hours of funding time, but no matter. It succeeded.

According to an update on the page from Mark Jacobs, the developer noted he had "been in touch with both Kickstarter and Amazon," on the matter.

"While we will make it, the loss of those four hours and possible additional momentum (we had a promotion with XFire kicking off at the same time) hurts a bit, especially with the KS stretch goals," he said. "All that being said, the day ended well as our pledge totals starting rising again."

A new video was also posted in which some of the first concepts and models for both an Arthurian bard-like character and another were shown. You can see it if you head on to the page, along with some character concept art.

So far, 12,720 people have backed the project.

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