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Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare teaser video wants you to Know Your Enemy

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare has been teased, and the fellow in the video says he and his mates will "rip you from the history books."


Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare video teaser wants you to Know Your Enemy

That's according to the Know Your Enemy hype video released on the official Call of Duty YouTube channel this afternoon. The transmission is so garbled we can't understand which faction the angry fella is part of - maybe someone else can make it out - but his uniform bears a SDF logo. I think he says Settlement Defense Front. Can't be sure.

A new logo and new artwork are also present on the channel. The banner's file name is "GenesisReveal_SDF_" if that means anything to you. It's posted below the video.

Earlier this week, a Target add outed Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, and a PS Store popped up online. It showed a Legacy Edition of the new game that will include a remaster of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.

A higher-resolution, Canadian version of the same poster appeared online yesterday.

Previous rumors regarding the title state the shooter is set in the far future and features space combat between “warring sci-fi groups.”

Activision will reportedly announce Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare on Tuesday, May 3.

Thanks, AGD.

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