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Borderlands DLC has "highest attach rate of anything this generation," says Pitchford

Gearbox boss Randy Pitchford has told CVG Borderlands has the "highest attach rate of any DLC." Matter of fact, he said it has the "highest attach rate of anything this generation."

"The guys at Microsoft told us that the Borderlands had the highest attach rate of any DLC," he reiterated. “When people love something, they tend to love it a lot. And I'm really gratified by that more than anything else. It's what makes us fight the good fight. You kill yourself. You work day and night. You put your soul into something, and you hope that the outcome is that people will like what you've created.

“When you find out that happened, it makes you want to work harder. So with Borderlands 2 there was incredible passion and momentum behind it.”

Borderlands 2 is September 21 on PC, PS3, and Xbox 360.

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