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BioWare: Dragon Age III's story all about "saving the world from itself"

BioWare offered up tasty Dragon Age III story tidbits over the weekend, saying that its plot was about "saving the world from itself."

The Dragon Age panel at PAX - which featured creative director Mike Laidlaw, executive producer Mark Darrah, Art Director Matt Goldman and writer David Gaider - confirmed that the Templar and Mages would be at war against each other for control.

It was also said the main character in the game set to travel across the land to make allies to attempt to bring peace.

As for who you'll actually play in DAIII, the team handling the panel seemed to indicate that the story of Hawke was not done, and that there may even be a chance that he might actually meet the Grey Warden from Origins.

However, there was another indication that there could be an all-new protagonist.

Dragon Age III hasn't been formally announced, but was nudged of its existence a while back by BioWare.

There's more details on the future of the series from the PAX panel at RPGSite.

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