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Big batch of Dishonored 2 screens and concept art out of E3 2016

So excited about Dishonoroed 2 you just want to stuff it in your eyeballs? Me too.


Big batch of Dishonored 2 screens and concept art out of E3 2016

"I bet if we upload a lovely big batch of Dishonored 2 assets for press they'll carefully choose the ones they want and share them with their readers at full resolution, maintaining their beauty and glory," someone at Bethesda said to themselves.

They were completely wrong! I took one look at the enormous list, said "blow this for a game of soldiers", downloaded the entire batch and ran them through not one but two PhotoShop batch processes until I could conceivably upload them in less than a week even on my pathetic Australian connection.

And now: here they are. Feast your eyes on whatever you fancy from the selection of screens and cinematic stills below:

And here's an even larger batch of concept materials, which come in such a horrid variety of shapes that the gallery looks like something's been eating holes in it.

Dishonored 2 launches in November for PC, PS4 and Xbox One, and deserves better treatment.

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