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Baldur's Gate 3 still possible, but dev demoralised over recent legal action

Baldur's Gate 3 was one of BeamDog's long-term goals, but thanks to recent and complex legal issues, Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition was withdrawn from sale, and its sequel was placed on indefinite hold. Despite the team's current "legal hell", Beamdog head Trent Oster has said a third game is still possible in a new interview.

Speaking with RPS on the matter, Oster said, "The prognosis [for resuming work on Baldur's Gate] is mixed. Best case, we can sort this out soon. Worst case, this could be in legal hell for a while. I like making games, but this contractual dispute bullshit keeps me up at night.”

On the potential development of Baldur's Gate 3, he added, "Baldur’s Gate II: Enhanced Edition is on indefinite hold, as is the current patch. Baldur’s Gate III, we are still interested in the concept, but currently I’d say were very demoralized."

It still isn't clear exactly what the legal issues involve, or who the complaining party is, but all could be revealed in due course.

For now, would you like to see Baldur's Gate 3 happen? Let us know below.

Thanks Polygon.

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