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Watch a full playthrough of new Anthem story mission

We get a fresh look at Anthem's Colossus in new story mission footage.

YouTubers who got invited to EA in December continue to release more of the Anthem footage they captured at the event. Today, we have a full run of Preventative Precautions, an early story mission in the game.

Preventative Precautions is set a little bit after Lost Arcanist. Instead of tasking players with locating a missing Arcanist, they're sent to hunt down lost Arcanist machinery.

The new mission follows a similar structure, with on-surface combat and a bit of exploration, before the team heads into a cave. It also fleshes out the scavengers enemy faction a little bit, while introducing a new one.

The video below from Arekkz shows off gameplay from the perspective of a Colossus Javelin for the entire thing.

Though he did bring the big guns, Arekkz decided to show some other weapons you don't typically associate with the heavy class, such as a high-accuracy DMR. This is also our first look at new abilities like the venom spitter, which is a poisonous version of the flamethrower we've seen before.

The Colossus' mortar is has also been modified to fire smaller missiles rather than a massive one. Catch it all below.

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Anthem is out February 22 on PC, PS4, and Xbox One. Click through the link for a recap of everything we know about the game.

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