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Analyst says for 3D to be a success, it needs to lose the glasses


3D Gaming Summit consultant John Gaudiosi has said that unless those pushing the new 3D tech can find a way for consumers to enjoy it without the glasses, it's in danger of failing.

In an analysis feature on the tech over on MCV, Gaudiosi said that the glasses also become an issue with multiplayer games.

“Most experts, Hollywood creatives, and game developers I’ve interviewed agree that 3D needs to lose the cumbersome glasses to truly bring the 3D experience into homes,” he said.

“With more games focusing on multiplayer experiences, owning multiple pairs of pricey glasses will not be an easy sell to the mainstream.”

Sony, a big backer of the tech, has said that lots of first and third parties are currently at work on games featuring 3D, and a firmware update for it is rumored to be going live in June.

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