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Zone of the Enders HD PS3 patch inbound, sequel canned

Kojima Productions is working on a patch to correct frame rate issues in the PlayStation 3 version of the Zone of the Enders HD Collection.

Speaking in a HideoBlog podcast, as translated by Siliconera, studio lead and franchise creator Hideo Kojima acknowledged the shooter's transition from 30 to 60 FPS in HD hadn't gone as well as expected.

As such, the team has been busy re-programming the game, and will release the results as a title update which should smooth things out. The Xbox 360 version won't be patched.

It's good news, but it does mean the development team has turned its attention away from the Enders Project, which was announced almost a year ago and went silent immediately. Kojima has put the project on the back burner, dissolving the team formed to develop it.

There is still some hope for a sequel eventually, but Kojima wants to re-evaluate the series as whole and assess fan demand before proceeding.

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