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You spent 241B minutes in 2015 watching League of Legends, Destiny, eSports on Twitch

In 2015, people watched over 459,000 years-worth of video on Twitch instead of cleaning the house or, you know, going outside.

league_of_legends_robotic_skins (6)

Okay. We're sure you did those things too. But in between being responsible (we hate adulting!), you all watched close to 422 minutes of streaming on Twitch in 2015.

The service had an average of 1.7 million broadcasters streaming every month, and 241.4 billion minutes of those streams were watched.

Average concurrent viewers for the year hit 550,000 and peak concurrent users on August 23 hit 2.09 million when ESL One: Cologne 2015 and the League of Legends NA LCS Finals took place over that weekend.

With all of those hours and minutes spent watching streams on Twitch, you're probably wondering which games were most popular with viewers. Twitch handed those numbers out as well.

Here are the top 10 games watched on Twitch in 2015:

  1. League of Legends
  2. Counter Strike: Global Offensive
  3. Dota 2
  4. Hearthstone
  5. Minecraft
  6. H1Z1
  7. Destiny
  8. World of Tanks
  9. World of Warcraft
  10. FIFA 15

If you head over to the official Twitch website, you can look over even more figures such as the number of messages sent, the preferred Twitch access platform, eSports nuggets and which countries pulled in the most viewers.

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