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Xbox One ahead of PS4 in Amazon UK pre-order charts

PS4 and Xbox One pre-orders on Amazon UK are almost neck-and-neck, according to the online retailer, with Microsot's console nudging ahead by just 2.3% sales.

In a press release sent to VG247 this morning Amazon UK confirmed that Xbox One pre-orders are already 20% higher than Xbox 360 orders were before the console launched in 2005.

Xavier Garambois, VP of retail at Amazon EU, said of the PS4 and Xbox One stats, “It’s not clear yet which of the two will have the edge when they launch later this year – what’s certain, though, is that fans are already excited about how the next generation of consoles will change the world of gaming and home entertainment.”

Ketu Patel, head of video games at Amazon UK added, “Both the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 are set to have a huge impact, not just in terms of cutting edge games but also as part of the way in which families enjoy home entertainment.

"It will be fascinating to see how the battle between the two console giants develops over the coming months – the fight for who’s going to be the must-have Christmas present is only just beginning."

Have you ordered either console? If so, which one did you go for? Or perhaps you plumped for both? Let us know below.

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