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Xbox stands by its hardware while pushing its games can be "accessed across any screen"

Every screen is an Xbox, as reports stated was the message earlier this month.

Phil Spencer head
Image credit: VG247

Update: In a official Xbox podcast featuring Phil Spencer, Matt Booty, and Sarah Bond, the trio stood by the companies' hardware, while stating that games built for Xbox will "also be able to be accessed any screen because of all the other investments we make."

This follows prior statements made by Xbox staff last week in an internal meeting, in which they reportedly stated that "Every screen is an Xbox". While these words weren't said verbatim in today's podcast, the messaging lines up.

When promoted to speak on Xbox's approach to hardware, Sarah Bond (president of xbox) stated the following, "When we look at our hardware, it's where you get the most flagship seminal experience of Xbox. It also represents a developer target. Our developers can build to the specs of our hardware, and we invest to make sure when they do that, that the games will run great on our hardware, but they'll also be able to be accessed any screen because of all the other investments we make. We're giving them an easy way to access as many players as possible.

However, Bond would also make some lofty promises when it comes to the next hardware generation, saying that Xbox will have the "largest technical leap you will have ever seen in a hardware generation". Phil Spencer also commented on game preservation, and emphasised that the company will respect the investments" made on the platform in regards to backward compatability, game libraries, and saves.

Original story below:

Xbox's execs have actually revealed that every screen will be an Xbox going forwards at today's special Xbox podcast that we've all been looking forward to for ages. What does it mean? Well, some Xbox games are coming to multiple platforms, basically.

Prior to this important little sit-down designed to help stop everyone from speculation about big Xbox games maybe coming to PS5 at some point down the line, we'd heard about an internal meeting at Xbox which took place last week that was designed to give staff the heads-up on the console maker's future plans. One of the things that was repotedly said at it, aside from Xbox having plans to keep making consoles was the phrase "Every screen is a an Xbox".

Well, as part of today's big business update podcast, Xbox's Phil Spencer, Sarah Bond, and Matt Booty have revealed that, going forwards, every screen will in fact be an Xbox, while not using that actual phrase.

So, there you go. Hopefully we can avoid having to have discourse about Phil Spencer's liked tweets for at least a little while. Probably not though, if we're being honest.

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