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Xbox 360 UK hits 8.4M: to over-take Wii - Chart-Track

Xbox 360 will out-sell the Wii - which is the UK's best-selling current-gen console - in a matter of says, according to score keepers Chart-Track. It's still 1.5 million units behind PS2 however, but is gaining ground fast.

Speaking with MCV, Chart-Track confirmed that Microsoft has sold 8.4 million Xbox 360 consoles in the UK alone, and director of Xbox and entertainment Harvey Eagle (yes that's his actual name) added in a statement, "This is an historic milestone and our sincere thanks goes to each and every person that has bought and enjoyed Xbox 360 over the past eight years.

"As you saw at E3 earlier this month, we announced a new Xbox 360 form factor and we are committed to ensuring Xbox 360 remains the best place to play games, connect with friends and enjoy your entertainment. You’ll see great exclusive content coming not only to Xbox 360, but also to Xbox One later this year.”

The Xbox 360 is approaching the PS2's total of 10 million consoles sold in the UK. Can the new, slimmer Xbox 360 model help it beat Sony's record? Let us know what you think below.

Thanks Eurogamer.

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