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WoW Tokens launch tomorrow

World of Warcraft players can buy subscription time with in-game gold from tomorrow.


WoW Tokens will be available from April 7, Blizzard has announced.

According to, the Tokens will be available after a mintenance period, expected to end at around 10:00AM PT.

The Token will cost $20 in the in-game shop, and can then be sold via the Auction House with a starting price of 30,000 gold. This price will fluctuate in response to demand, and you'll only be able to buy ten in a 30 period, at least for now.

Initially, the system will only be available in territories Blizzard classifies as "the Americas" - North America, Latin America, Australia and New Zealand - with other regions coming later.

WoW Tokens are a kind of legitimised gold selling. This is something EVE Online has supported with great success, although Blizzard didn't have much luck when it tried something similar with Diablo 3's Auction House.

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