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Witcher 2 360 Dark Edition sold out in Europe

Yep.  Sold out.  Except in Poland where CD Projekt has produced extra editions for their countrymen.  How nice of them.

The game won't be out on Xbox 360 for another month (April 17) but this coveted edition of the award-winning RPG has already sold out in in pre-orders.

CDP business development VP Michał Nowakowski said:“We are really pleased, that the Dark Edition was so well received by gamers.  We’re half way from the beginning of the pre-orders to the premiere and already European gamers bought all of the Dark Edition  copies.

"You can still buy the Enhanced Edition of the game, which is more than a standard edition of an Xbox game containing the game, official soundtrack, quest handbook and world map.”

For a closer look at what you won't be finding in Europe, check out this unboxing video:

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