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Warcraft 3: Reforged Online cheats

What's better than grinding out the hours to level up, unlock research and painstakingly gather gold? Cheating, of course.

Much like the original, there are a bunch of Warcraft 3: Reforged cheats that will help you become unstoppable in no time. Unfortunately, there's a caveat; you can only use the cheat codes in single-player mode, so there's no cheating in multiplayer mode.

Some of the original cheats seem to be still working, so have a bash and see what carnage you can pull off. If you're new to this RTS behemoth or just need a refresher, you can check out our Warcraft 3: Reforged guide page here.

Warcraft 3: Reforged Online cheats

To activate a cheat, press the Enter key during single-player mode or in an offline map. Type in the cheat you want to use then hit Enter again and look for the Cheat code enabled message.

GreedIsGood [Amount]:Get a specific amount of Gold and Wood
GreedIsGood:Get 500 Gold and Wood
KeyserSoze [Amount]:Get a specific amount of Gold
LeafItToMe [Amount]: Get a specific amount of Wood
PointBreak: Infinite Food
ThereIsNoSpoon:Infinite Mana
TheDudeAbides:Spell cooldown time reduced
IocainePowder: Fast death and decay
SharpAndShiny: Unlock all upgrades
Synergy:Disables tech tree
WhoIsJohnGalt:Research tech faster
Unit:One-hit kills
AllYourBaseAreBelongToUs:Instantly win the game
SomebodySetUsUpTheBomb: Instantly lose the game
ItVexesMe:Disable victory conditions
Motherland [Race] [Level]:Unlocks specific campaign missions
ISeeDeadPeople: Unlock entire map
StrengthAndHonor:Gameplay continues even after defeat
WarpTenUnits and buildings will be constructed quickly
WhosYourDaddy:God mode
TenthLevelTaurenChieftain:A catchy tune will play
DayLightSavings: Switch from daytime to nighttime
DayLightSavings [Time]:Set the time
LightsOut:Switch to evening
RiseAndShine:Switch to morning

If you think we've missed any cheats or if you're having problems with the existing lot, leave a comment below and we'll think about adding them in.

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