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Vanquish originally an open world title, reveals Mikami


Vanquish director Shinji Mikami has revealed the game was an open world game at one point.

But in a blog on developer Platinum's website, he said that a linear route was quickly implemented once development began.

"Vanquish was originally an open battlefield type of game," said Mikami, "where the goal was to move around crushing enemy positions; however, once we got started with development, we quickly made the decision to change to a more linear structure. We abandoned the open battlefield and focused on making each stage as visually dense as possible.

"As a result, I think the graphics in Vanquish are really quite wonderful. It is one of the main points of Vanquish I want to recommend to people. (The only regret is that our decision decreased the amount of times the player uses boosting.)"

Mikami also revealed the original design of the enemies in the game, known as Gorgies, were originally white, but became red later on, and are now easier to identify.

Vanquish was dated a while back for US, Japan and Europe & UK for October 19, 21 and 22 respectively.

Thanks, Kotaku.

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