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Uncharted: The Lost Legacy gameplay comparison pits the reveal against the real deal

How does Uncharted: The Lost Legacy gameplay hold up against the original reveal?

Uncharted: The Lost Legacy is out this week, and in case you were wondering, it's done quite well on the old reviews circuit.

We've had a peek at some gameplay - a generous 15 minutes courtesy of Arekkz who furnished us with details on some of the new mechanics - and on Friday, the launch trailer dropped.

Suffice to say, it looks fantastic.

But looks can be deceiving, which is why Digital Foundry has taken the original reveal trailer from PSX 2016 and compared it to honest-to-goodness gameplay to see how it stacks up.

Watch on YouTube

Interestingly, the scarf Chloe was wearing in the reveal has been dropped for the game, serving only to tantalise us at PSX.

The short version is that there are some shadow and lighting changes, and overall, the gameplay reveal was more refined, but it's nothing to get your knickers in a twist about.

There are changes to gameplay sequences, with the actual game playing our differently to the parallel segment in the PSX gameplay, so spoil that at your own risk.

What do you think of the comparison? Will you be joining Chloe on her adventures?

Uncharted: The Lost Legacy launches on August 22 in North America and August 23 in Europe for PS4.

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