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Turbine being sued for patent infringement by Ontario-based firm

Turbine is being sued by Ontario-based web services company Treehouse for patent infringement. The firm claims the Warner-owned studio uses its software for collecting real-time data on user choices in both D&D Online and Lord of the Rings Online.

Treehouse claims Turbine's MMOs "tally the number of times the selected character attribute(s) have been selected by users of the game," which it said infringes on its patent.

According to GamePolitics, the firm is seeking: a "permanent injunction enjoining Turbine with its respective officers, agents, servants, employees, and attorneys, and all persons in active concert or participation with any of them who receive actual notice of the order by personal service or otherwise, from infringing the ‘858 Patent'"; an "award of damages adequate to compensate Treehouse for the infringement by Turbine along with pre-judgment and post-judgment interest;" and "reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses."

Mouth full, there.

The United States Patent, No. 8,180,858 - "Method And System For Presenting Data Over A Network Based On Network User Choices And Collecting Real-Time Data Related To Said Choices", was awarded to Treehouse on May 15, 2012.

DDO launched February 28, 2006 and LOTRO launched on April 24, 2007.

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