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Tom Clancy’s EndWar Online throws open its servers this weekend

Ubisoft has announced it will host an open server event for Tom Clancy’s EndWar Online, the free-to-play EndWar spin-off.

The event is to prepare for the closed beta, and the server opens tomorrow, March 29, 8pm UK. Players will have the opportunity to access the game server for 48 hours, and one hour after the server goes live, the first in-game Happy Hour will start giving players the chance to win rewards including Closed Beta keys, EndWar Online-themed goodies and other prizes.

On Sunday March 30, players can join the Theater of War with the start of PvP matches that pit Factions against each other to determine who will gain control over the last resources on Earth.

Compared to the first Technical Test last month, the maximum level cap has been increased from Level 20 to Level 25, and provides access to more hero commanders to recruit and to a new chapter in the single-player campaign. Players will also be granted unlimited battle points for PvE battles.

Enlist for the event and the upcoming closed beta here.

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