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Thursday shorts, part 2: Jaffe and console design, more GDC panel bits, THQ gets into bother over Homefront balloons

Ready for some more short goodness? Om nom nom away after the break.

  • David Jaffe's said at GDC that consoles are alienating users away due to design choices "that push our customers away." More on GI.
  • THQ's caused a stir with San Francisco authorities after its fake North Korean march on Homefront saw branded balloons end up in San Francisco Bay. Oops. Full story on Gamepron.
  • Blizzard's Tom Chilton explained at GDC how it had to maintain a delicate act of keeping in what was good and adding new features into World of Warcraft with Cataclysm. Gama has your lot.
  • Visceral art director Ian Milham explained yesterday how it wanted to keep Dead Space 2 memorable as well as feature variety and character. Again, go to Gama for more.
  • GI reports of worrying limited stock for the German launch of 3DS.
  • Sega's confirmed the first five titles it's bringing to the Virtual Console on 3DS, all Game Gear titles: Sonic & Tales 2, Sonic Drift 2, The GG Shinobi, Columns and Dragon Crystal Shirani's Maze. Thanks, GSW.
  • Joystiq has details of a panel at GDC on the success and failings of the Indie Fund.
  • Stardock's Brad Wardell has confirmed the sequel to Elemental, Fallen Enchantress, will be given away to those who bought the first game before October 31, 2010. PC Gamer has the lot.
  • There's a mini XBLA sale going on right now. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Toy Soldiers and Prince of Persia are all in there, to name a few. Via XBLAFans.
  • If you can read Japanese, Famitsu's dropped a fair bit of info on Dark Souls.
  • Duke Nukem Forever's going to be uncut when it releases in Germany. Awesome. Blue has the news.
  • Bohemia has confirmed that ARMA 2 expansion, Reinforcements, will release on April 1.

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