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Tekken x Street Fighter is still in development, says Harada

Katsuhiro Harada wants you to know that Tekken x Street Fighter is still in development, and there's a reason why he and his team have been quite regarding its progress.

Speaking with Siliconera, Harada said one of the main reasons he's been quiet regarding the game, is because until recently, Street Fighter x Tekken was still being updated.

"We will say first off that the game is still in development, so you don’t need to worry about that," he said. There are several reasons why we haven’t released any updates. One of the reasons is, Street Fighter X Tekken was released. That still had updates until recently. One interesting thing we’ve seen with that title when it came out was that it’s not quite what we expected.

"It was not just Tekken fans and Street Fighter fans merging, there seems to be a whole new community growing around that title that wasn’t playing either of the titles up until that point.

"That was very unexpected, but quite cool. It’s something we want to take care and grow. Rather than throw out our title right away while those people are still interested in [SFxT] we are looking for the right time because we are still developing [TxSF]."

Harada also said the game "will be more Tekken-like," and the team is "making progress" on the roster, but is keeping the majority of it secret for the time being.

Tekken x Street Fighter was announced at Comic-Con in 2010.

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