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Super Smash Bros Wii U single-player won't be like Brawl's

Super Smash Bros. on Wii U and 3DS will feature a single-player mode, but it won't follow the format laid down by Brawl's 'Subspace Emissary' campaign.

Speaking with Polygon, director Masahiro Sakurai said of the campaign, "There will be a single player [campaign], but it won't be like the [Subspace Emissary] mode in Brawl.

"One thing we can do with the Smash Bros. series that's unique to us — because we have all these different disparate characters brought together — is we can create that sort of fan-movie experience as a special gift. But now those things are posted on the internet, it doesn't really become a gift for people who played the game.

"What we decided this time around, we're just going to have [those movies unlocked] from the beginning. We're going to have a movie for Wii Fit Trainer, The Villager and Mega Man and they'll be viewable right at the beginning, you can watch those right away."

Sahurai also stressed that he had no desire to explore DLC for Smash Bros at present. "Our goal is to have a Smash Bros. that has enough content, in terms of characters and stages, and that's where all our energies are focused," he said.

"There's no fundamental opposition to downloadable content if it's something that felt like it worked. We haven't really decided whether we're going to do it or not. We're not opposed to it, we just need to work on completing the full package."

What did you make of Brawl's campaign? Was it good enough to be repeated in the new game, or is it time for something fresh? Let us know below.

Thanks ONM.

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