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Twitter reacts to EA's tweet saying that Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order has no microtransactions

EA tweets that Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order has no microtransactions or loot boxes and Twitter wastes no time in pointing out the irony of it all.

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order has just been freshly announced, and EA took to Twitter to let players know that its usual repertoire of loot boxes and microtransactions won't be present. Ironically, the tweet was hot on the heels of a gif promoting the game that was accompanied by the words "accept the past," so perhaps whoever is in charge of the social media account knows exactly what they're doing.

EA has a history of shoehorning in loot boxes and microtransactions into its games, so the news that Fallen Order will be omitting these 'features' is good news. The fact that EA is apparently acknowledging that these practices aren't viewed favourably, and using their absence as a selling point is a scenario that is causing much merriment on Twitter, mostly because it seems like a load of old bollocks.

And so, of course, the pile on began, and as is always the case in these scenarios, it was pretty funny stuff. Here's the original tweet, in case you missed it.

Even Devolver Digital got it on the action, with its own promise of loot-box-and-microtransaction-free games.

We've sifted through Twitter and rounded up up our favourite reactions below. Enjoy.

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is coming to PC, PS4, and Xbox One on November 15.

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