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Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order to be unveiled today - watch it here

We're going to get our first look at Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order today.

As previously revealed, Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order will be officially unveiled at the Star Wars Celebration in Chicago. The reveal will be livestreamed, and to get everyone excited, EA released the most brief of teasers earlier this week.

It was an animated image of a Lightsaber with the tagline Don't Stand Out. This is likely referring to the game's hero, who's an escaped Padawan. The mysterious character is likely hiding from Palapatine's forces as Jedi are being hunted all over the galaxy.

The Lightsaber itself looks a little rough, wrapped in some kind of rag. And then there's the leaked artwork showing as snowy scene of a Jedi with  TIE Fighters off in the distance. It's hard to speculate at this stage since we have very little to go on, other than the leaked November 15 release date, but hopefully many of these questions will be answered today.

The livestream kicks off today at  11:30am PT, 2:30pm ET, 7:30pm BST. We've embedded the YouTube player below, and we'll be here to bring you all the news as it comes.

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is out sometime later this year.

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