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Sony strikes HBO deal for PS3


HBO shows are to be streamed via PS3 thanks to closure on a deal between Sony and Warner.

Sony has also recently signed partnerships with Netflix and MLB.TV. Big Jack's happy.

"HBO is a high-profile content provider, and a real premium service, so we think this really reinforces that the PlayStation is more than just a video-game console now," said Tretton, SCEA boss.

"It gives consumers that big-screen, HD experience in the home on a device other than cable and satellite, and that's becoming the norm now as opposed to the exception.

"Networks like HBO can be beholden to the cable and satellite companies, or they can play wherever the consumers play."

The agreement will allow PS3 users to pay a premium price to download episodes from 11 HBO series, like Big Love, Curb Your Enthusiasm, and Entourage, as they become available for sale in the DVD format roughly 11 months after premiering on the network.

Sony plans to add new HBO material every Tuesday.

We're assuming this is US-only. There's more here.

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