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Sony Santa Monica to show four unannounced titles at E3

Sony's Santa Monica studio is set to show four unannounced titles at E3 this week, according to tech boss Tim Moss.

He said in a tweet: "#SMStudio has 8 games from our talented external teams at E3 this year. A s**t load of devs worked really hard the last few weeks."

And in reply to a question, he answered what games will be shown: "[Eat, Sleep, Play's] Twisted Metal, [Lightbox's] Starhawk, Sound Shapes, [thatgamecompany's] Journey + 4 others that are not yet announced."

It's unknown if all or some of these unannounced titles are collaborations or internally made projects at Santa Monica.

Earlier this morning, Forbes reported that a new "3D" God of War title will be announce during the Sony presser tomorrow morning.

And at GDC last year, product development manager John Hight said it was working on two small projects.

Sony's E3 presser takes place from 1.00am BST tomorrow. Thanks, Gekidami.

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