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Sony - Levels of PSP piracy are "sickening"


SCEA's Peter Dille has told Gamasutra the PSP's got a big piracy problem. Like you didn't know.

"I'm convinced and we're convinced that piracy has taken out a big chunk of our software sales on PSP," Dille told Gamasutra.

"It's been a problem that the industry has to address together; it's one that I think the industry takes very seriously, but we need to do something to address this because it's criminal what's going on, quite frankly.

"It's not good for us, but it's not good for the development community," he added. "We can look at data from BitTorrent sites from the day Resistance: Retribution goes on sale and see how many copies are being downloaded illegally, and it's frankly sickening."

Full interview through there. Thanks, Eurogamer.

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