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Second Life and Linden Lab may be getting its second wind

Think Second Life is dead? Think Linden Lab can't score another hit? Not if their new CEO has anything to say about it.

According to Massively thanks to an interview on GamesIndustry, Rod Humble, who stepped into the role as Linden Lab's CEO last year, saw an "extremely profitable" world that has 1 million monthly users and generates over $75 million a year.

This is due in no small part to the fact that Humble has spent most of his time at the company working on ways to improve Second Life.  Everything from character transportation to the in game UI has been updated, and this seems to have sparked a resurgance in users as Linden Lab has reported a 40% increase in new users since Humble came aboard.

However, Humble isn't content to rest upon the steady success of Second Life.

"Linden Lab has been very successful with one innovative product, but I want to stretch the company out again, to make it a really exciting place where people can't wait to find out about the next unusual title we're going to release."

Only time will tell if Humble can work his magic on a future Linden Lab creation, but here's to hoping it's as innovative and addictive as Second Life once was.

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