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Sakurai: Super Smash Bros WiiU/3DS development hasn't even begun

Project Sora boss Masahiro Sakurai has admitted that development on the new Super Smash Bros. for 3DS and WiiU hasn't even begun.

Nintendo president Satoru Iwata made the announcement during Nintendo's press conference last night, but Sakurai insists work hasn't started. It'll begin once development on Kid Icarus: Uprising wraps up.

We really shouldn't have announced it for the general public at this timing, but since we have to assemble staff, we made the notice," he said in a tweet, picked up by Andriasang.

Asked why by fans it was being made for two platforms, Sakurai said to expect that to be answered in a future Iwata Asks.

For reference sake, Iwata's announcement from yesterday is below.

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