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Ryse confirmed as Xbox One title per Crytek website

Ryse is an Xbox One exclusive, according to an update on Crytek's website.

While this news is unsurprising since information on the game went murky after its 2011 E3 reveal, you can head over through the link and check out a countdown for the gladiator style game which ends with Microsoft's June E3 presser.

"Fight as a soldier. Lead as a general. Rise as a legend," the site says adding that the game is controller-based with Kinect enhancements.

Microsoft revealed the game formerly known as Codename Kingdoms, during E3 2011, and since then the game has had Kinect functionality added and reworked for next-gen - just like the reports earlier this year and last last year suggested.

Ryse will also take advantage of Kinect’s new upgraded tracking.

Rumors that the game would skip Xbox 360 first surfaced in December 2011, claiming it would instead be released on next-gen per a LinkedIn profile belonging to the game’s senior level designer who left Crytek for Ubisoft.

Yerli said at the time of the report that: “We’re still working with Microsoft, so obviously we can’t change platforms. But if you mean within Microsoft – that I can’t comment on.”

It has also been suggested the game will contain multiplayer, but we'll know about that more come next month.

In a later press release Microsoft and Crytek confirmed the first-person historical action title will be an Xbox One launch title.

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