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Rumor: Sony to implement PC-style serial key system for PS3


A source close to PS3-sense is claiming Sony will introduce a serial key system for PS3 games, like the one already in place with PC games.

According to the site's source, this is Sony's way of closing the backdoor to its system, which was blown wide open by hacker GeoHot earlier this month.

The source said that new games released for PS3 will include a unique serial key related to the specific disc, which then must be entered for verification before the game can be played. The key can be entered up to five times before it becomes useless.

If true, this has at least two implications for genuine consumers: it will restrict how many time a game can be authenticated, not to mention the impact it will have on used PS3 game sales.

Sony has supposedly already updated PS3's firmware with the new protection system, and is working on implementing it with new games coming out.

Older games without serial keys will, of course, still work the same.

We've sent a mail to Sony asking for confirmation.

Via TechEye.

Thanks, Robo_1.

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