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Resident Evil producer concedes action, shooter focus not ideal

Resident Evil Masachika Kawata has changed his mind somewhat about leveraging shooter and action elements for the horror series.

In an interview with VideoGamer, Kawata referenced an interview he gave in early 2012, in which he said survival horror as a genre doesn't sell as well as action and shooter games and that Resident Evil must embrace this trend.

"Looking at user feedback from the last couple of games, I've started to slightly revise my opinion on that matter," he said.

"I still think that, for example, bringing Resident Evil: Revelations to consoles falls within what I was saying, where it's a game that contains classic Resident Evil elements but it also has features that modern gamers expect in a game. Hopefully it can appeal to both camps."

Kawata said Capcom has taken a number of different approaches to the property in the last 12 months, and said he still thinks it's important for the publisher to challenge itself to "include new elements in the games to keep them fresh and keep them relevant".

"Going forward is the most important thing to me and the future of the series," he said. "No matter what, we're always going to have to focus on horror and fear as the main core pillar of the series. That's something I think that is not going to change."

As an example, Kawata said that if, hypothetically, a pure shooter like Operation Racoon City produced a sequel, Capcom would build horror elements onto it, to make it more like the core series.

You should pay attention to what Kawata says about the future of the Resident Evil series, as he's floated the idea of rebooting it.

Thanks, Destructoid.

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