Resident Evil 4 Remake Chapter 1: How to escape the Village
I hope you're ready for your first rendezvous with Dr. Salvador.
The time has finally come for keen Resident Evil veterans and newcomers alike to rejoice in the faithful retelling of Resident Evil 4 Remake's story. As a result, it's also time for me to share another guide of a cult classic, starting from the moment Leon steps foot out of that cop car.
The first Chapter of the Resident Evil 4 remake is one huge lesson in the games controls, and how to handle a horde. If you're familiar with the 2005 game, you'll know that the Village might be the very start of the game, but the Ganados and Dr. Salvador are no joke.
Without further ado, here's our walkthrough of Chapter 1 of Resident Evil 4, which explains how to escape the Village.
Resident Evil 4 Chapter 1
When you first step outside of the cop car, you won't have anything. This first section of the game acts as a tutorial. That said, once you finally reach the Village, you're pretty much on your own. Good thing you have this walkthrough, eh?

Follow the route up ahead until you reach a house; this is the Hunter’s Lodge. Head on inside, and go through the furthest door, where a cutscene plays out.
Retrieve the Hunter’s Lodge Key from the corpse, and leave the room. Use the key on the door to your right and go downstairs.
Another cutscene plays out, and would you look at that? We have a pistol now!
Head to the upstairs of the house, but prepare for Ganados along the way. After the cutscene, press forward! Save at the Typewriter, and check out the funky new storage and customisation options here too. How exciting.
The route to the village is linear, but there are more Ganados on the way. Mind out for the bear traps, too. Stop by the building along the way to pick up some loot, and don’t forget that we should be slashing any yellow boxes where possible.
Another tip; Leon’s knife is now better than ever. We can use it to parry, and to perform some slick kills, so try to get to grips with it! Also, we can perform melee finishers on an enemy by pressing the prompt that appears when an enemies' health is low enough.
If your knife breaks, which it will, don’t panic; we’ll be able to repair it soon, although I won’t spoil how until we get to that part!
When we’re at the village, we’ll be taking on a horde of Ganados. I recommend sneaking down the path to your left, taking out one or two enemies with a sneak attack, and then letting rip.
Alternatively, if you’d prefer to save your ammo, this is actually a timed sequence; all you need to do is keep enemies busy (be it by killing them or running in circles) until the Town Hall bell chimes.
Eventually, the chainsaw-wielding, beady-eyed Dr. Salvador will appear. When he turns up, I recommend entering the home beside the tower that has two floors.

Upstairs, you’ll be able to grab the shotgun and a grenade, which will help keep Dr. Salvador quelled. Don’t forget that you can also parry his chainsaw using your knife if you’re in a pinch! There’ll also be a window up here with a ladder that Ganados will climb up; keep kicking it down.
Eventually, the bell will start to toll… a cutscene ensues… and bingo! Leon is all alone again.
Exit the village and start heading towards the farm. In this area, you'll find the first of many Blue Medallion requests.
Go to the northern gate here, and into the room on your left. Crouch to avoid the tripwire, or deactivate it. The choice is yours.

Up the following ladder, you’ll find that you need a missing cog. Head back into the farm by using the other exit here, rather than the ladder again.

There’s a barn up ahead; head inside, and grab any loot here, including the missing cog! Before you know it, however, someone is trying to break the barn doors down.
This enemy - the Cowhead Ganado - has a hammer, and it’s not fun to be hit with, but it is fun to see him hit other villagers with it! Avoid his attacks with a simple button press, and take him out; we’ll see a few of these cow-headed folk around the place.
Leave the barn. Go back up to the room that required the cog, place it, and pull the lever. Head through the opening in the wall and smash your way into the next building, grabbing any loot. Then, head to the newly-opened gate and continue ahead.
The next gate is locked, so have Leon push the cart with the dead cow in it to reveal a new route. Be careful along this path, and keep right.

When you approach another ruined building, be wary of another tripwire; there’ll be plenty of enemies up ahead, too. This settlement is also a big fan of explosives!
Bust the lock on the house up ahead. Disarm the tripwire, and move the shelf in the next room. Take care of the Ganados in the room after this, and head down through the door in the floor.
Undo the body bag here and voilà! Luis is here! How I’ve missed him. Then, of course, the towering Bitores Mendez turns up, and it doesn’t feel like much of a party any more.
That marks the end of Chapter 1 of the Resident Evil 4 Remake!
Check out the rest of our Resident Evil 4 remake walkthrough: