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Remedy to "create something new for Alan Wake when the time is right”

Remedy Entertainment boss Sam Lake has posted a video over on Humble Bundle, discussing why the team decided to create a new experience with Quantum Break instead of revisiting the Alan Wake IP for Xbox One.

According to Lake, it's not as though the team doesn't want to revisit the franchise, it's just a "huge undertaking" and the fans deserve something "ambitious" for Wake's next outing.

"We worked hard to make the sequel happen after the first game,” said Lake in the video - transcribed by Gematsu. "These games are huge undertakings and many things need to fall in place. From the creative perspective, it would be awesome if we could just create cool stuff and not worry about minor details like money, but we all know that that’s not the case.

“When Alan Wake came out, it was not a huge hit on day one. It has been doing really well since then, and has moved more than three million - which is a nice figure. But when the game was released, that was not the case immediately. And even though we worked hard on it, the sequel was not happening. The time wasn’t right for that.

“Wake is really dear to me and to everyone at Remedy. We knew from the beginning that when Wake wakes up in the dark place, that getting out from there is going to be a long, hellish journey and a hard struggle. And I guess that where we are now is fiction becoming reality.

"We definitely want to keep on working on Alan Wake. I definitely want to create something new for Alan Wake when the time is right.”

Lake went on to say the team acquired full backing for Quantum Break, which is "bigger than what we have ever created before."

[The game is ] something where we could take everything we have learned from Alan Wake, everything we’ve learned from Max Payne, and we were able to put that all together, and to create what could be called the ultimate Remedy Experience," he said.

Pick up Alan Wake through Humble Bundle, and be sure to keep an eye on E3 for more on Quantum Break.

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