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Overwatch Lunar New Year 2019: here’s all the new skins, emotes, and intros

The Overwatch Lunar New Year 2019 event has kicked off. Time to have a look at the goodies you'll earn during the festivities.

Blizzard flipped the on switch today for the Overwatch Lunar New Year 2019 event, and you have until February 18 to enjoy all things Year of the Pig.

Legendary skins for the event previously covered are: Hong Gildong Tracer, Zhuge Liang Zenyatta, Zhang Fei Torbjorn, Guan Ty Reinhardt, Huang Zhong Hanzo, and Lu Bu Reaper. Non-legendary skins are also available for Brigitte and Orisa.

In total, there are eight new skins.

Skins from last year’s Year of the Dog event are also available. You can look over those through our previous coverage.

All new skins are shown in the images below. There are also two new emotes and one new highlight intro.

Alongside the Lunar New Event comes the latest patch. It's a relatively short list, so we've included it below.

Lucio Highlight Intro

New Skins

Soldier 76 and Widowmaker Emotes

Overwatch January 24 update - patch notes

Hero Updates


  • Damage reduction from armor reduced from -5 to -3

Developer comments: This change will be most noticeable for heroes who fire quickly or in bursts, such as shotguns, and do more than 6 damage per shot. For example, Soldier: 76’s Heavy Pulse Rifle will now do 16 damage per shot to armored opponents, up from 14 (an increase close to 15%). Armor was a bit too strong overall, especially when heroes were being healed quickly and often. This change will help more heroes fight against higher-armored enemies.


  • RALLY: Now has a maximum duration of 30 seconds


  • DEFENSE MATRIX: Cooldown increased from 1 second to 2 seconds


  • THE REAPING: Life steal increased from 30% to 50% of damage dealt

Bug Fixes


  • General - [PS4/XB1] Fixed a bug that caused a delay for heroes loading into the victory screen line up if they had a golden weapon equipped
  • McCree - [PS4/XB1] Fixed a bug that caused McCree's model to distort if he used Combat Roll to the right with the Sherlock skin equipped
  • Tracer - Fixed a bug that caused Tracer’s Pulse Bomb to detonate on the wrong side of Orisa’s Protective Barrier when it was placed on the front
  • Wrecking Ball - Fixed a bug that prevented Wrecking Ball’s proximity mines from being disabled by Sombra’s EMP, [PS4/XB1] Fixed a bug that caused Wrecking Ball's golden weapon to display incorrectly when using certain skins

Competitive Play

  • Competitive Play: Fixed a bug in Competitive Play that prevented the team color on the payload progress bar from switching after a round transition


  • Nepal: Fixed a bug that allowed players to capture or contest the point from its exterior on Nepal’s Shrine stage

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