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OnLive boss says people had "damn well better be skeptical"


OnLive boss Steve Perlman has told Joystiq that people had "damn well better be skeptical" about the Cloud-gaming service, but has insisted in a lengthy interview that the concept works.

"They damn well better be skeptical. When I set out to build this thing, we looked at it and said, 'Look, in theory it's possible to do, but in practice we just didn't know if it could actually be done,'" he said.

Perlman went on to talk about the process behind OnLive's development, claiming he knew people would question the service when it was announced.

"We knew people were going to be skeptical," he said. "And they should be, you know? But they would go and say, hmm, we've got nine of the top publishers behind this thing; do we really think these guys are gonna take their top titles, commit them for release the same retail window as you know, the titles when they come out for the consoles, and they're gonna let us show games on the floor here, which are actually just being released the day that the OnLive booth opens, you know?

"The only reason they're going to do that is, obviously, they've gone through tons and tons of testing as well."

Hit the link. Well worth it.

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