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Alien: Isolation is not coming to Oculus Rift after all

Alien: Isolation is not coming to Oculus Rift, crushing our various hopes and dreams.


Sega showed off an Oculus Rift demo of Alien: Isolation at E3 2014, and it seemed a perfect fit for the atmospheric horror experience.

Unfortunately, developer the Creative Assembly has now confirmed that the project is not in active development for Oculus Rift - it was just a cool demo.

Speaking to Eurogamer, a Sega representative confirmed the news:

"At present, it's just a prototype and does not represent a game currently in development at this point in time. It's a truly amazing experience though and brings the game to life in ways we could not have imagined when we started the project. It's one of the most terrifying demos you'll ever play," the spokesperson said.

I just said "QQ" aloud in dismay. Look at this gameplay footage and mourn what we have missed out on. Can someone please just make VR a commercial success so things like this really happen?

Alien: Isolation arrives on PC, PlayStation 3, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One in October.

Thanks, Destructoid.

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