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Nvidia Tegra K1 mobile CPU more powerful than PS3 or Xbox 360, CEO claims

Nvidia unveiled its latest and greatest mobile processor today, with CEO Jen-Hsun Huang boasting the tiny chip packs a greater punch than the PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360.

The Tegra K1 was unveiled at a CES 2014 event today, with Polygon reporting Huang's comments regarding the new mobile processor, which will naturally use afar less power than a home console's CPU draws on.

The new CPU has a 192 CUDA core processor, which Huang described as "all fully programmable, all massively parallel".

This makes the mobile tech so powerful it can support Epic's Unreal Engine 4, a next-gen engine so new we're yet to see the release of any games built with it, although that is expected to change this year.

"We can take absolutely anything that runs on PC or high-end console and run it on Tegra. I didn't think that we'd be at this level on mobile for another three to four years," Epic's Tim Sweeney said in a statement.

The Tegra K1 has been confirmed for tablets and smartphones, but Nvidia reportedly hinted it will have wider application in smart devices like TVs and cars.

"We've brought mobile computing to the same level as desktop computing. We've brought mobile computing to the same level as super computing. We've brought the heart of GeForce and the soul of Tesla to the Tegra family," Huang said.

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