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"No secret we'd like to make" Alan Wake 2, says Remedy


We're all happy for you, Remedy, and we're gonna let you finish, but please don't take as long in making a sequel.

The developer's Mikko Rautalahti said over the weekend that, depending on the success of the first game, it'd "like to make" Alan Wake 2. But he does insist that with the original not even out yet, it's all "up in the air".

"Well, it's certainly no secret that we'd love to make a second one if the first one does well," Rautalahti said on Remedy's forums. "But since the game isn't even out yet, it's really up in the air."

So far, reviews for the thriller have been very positive, with eights and nines across the board - Eurogamer gave it a seven - giving it a meta so far of 84. But despite that, Rautalahti says that the developer is "far from disappointed" with what its gotten so far.

"Clearly, it's been a critical success; the fact that some people feel differently about it doesn't change the fact that of the scores listed in the first post of this thread, there are eight perfect scores, and over 40 give us a 9 or a better.

"Only 7 reviews have given us a score of less than 8. That tells us in no uncertain terms that there's a lot of love for Alan Wake out there, and we'd have to be complete goddamn idiots to not be satisfied with that. I mean, sure, the next time, we definitely hope to top that, it's nice to have something to aim for, but we're pretty damn far from disappointed."

Alan Wake releases this Friday in Europe and the UK for Xbox 360. It releases next Tuesday in the US. Go watch the launch trailer for it here.

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