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Nintendo reportedly also looking to rely on Microsoft's cloud tech for its own streaming service

Microsoft's Azure cloud tech will seemingly also form the backbone of another platform holder's streaming service.

Last week's big news that Sony will make use of Microsoft's cloud tech for its streaming service took many by surprise, including those at Sony's own PlayStation division, according to reports.

Though the move is unsurprising in hindsight, many are rightly not used to seeing Microsoft and Sony team up for, well, anything. It now appears Microsoft won't be stopping there.

According to industry analyst David Gibson, Nintendo is also building its own streaming service on Microsoft's Azure tech. "Nintendo itself is looking also to work with MSFT (Azure) to offer its own streaming service in limited regions (JP, US etc)," Gibson said Twitter.

The analyst also didn't rule out the possibility of Microsoft, and Sony's streaming services being offered on Nintendo platforms.

This makes a lot of sense, considering the relationship the two companies have been enjoying as of late, but it also makes business sense.

As Gibson points out, Sony and Nintendo's other option is Amazon's AWS, which is far less proven than Microsoft's Azure when it comes to game streaming, so the two companies certainly didn't have much of a choice - outside of developing their own tech.

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