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Naughty Dog: Uncharted 2 isn't the end of Nathan Drake's story


If you were worried about Nathan Drake's continued gainful employment as Sony's go-to tomb raider, fear not; according to Naughty Dog's Amy Hennig, Drake still has plenty of adventures left in him, and none of them end in Naughty Dog's garbage bin.

"[Uncharted 2] doesn't conclude the story at all," she said. "The expectation with Uncharted 2 is that it can be an ongoing franchise as long as people want more of it. All these stories are self-contained. You don't have to play the last one to play this one. Obviously, you're going to get a little bit more out of it if you have. But [Nathan Drake]'s going to have a lot of adventures, thank god."

The full video is after the break, courtesy of the PlayStation Blog.

Thanks, Joystiq.

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